Saturday, August 18, 2012

Christopher Newport University Sign Shop

 Engraving typical ADA Door Sign
Made out of Dupont Corian

 Engraving my diploma from Virginia Tech in black marble

Finished product of black marble college diploma 

Typical ADA Door sign
(My work: Engraving, some painting and outfitting)

Speciality directional sign for Warwick River residence hall
Logo was disublimated into Corian
(My work: Painting and helping transport signs to and from the disublimation machine)

Direcional sign after instal on 4th floor 
(My work: Installing signs)

Speciality FDC Corian sign for Warwick River residence hall 
(My work: Engraving, painting and helping instal)

Specialty FDC and PIV Corian sign for Warwick River residence hall
(My work: Engraving, painting and helping instal)

 Specialty FDC Corian sign for Hiden-Hussey Commons dining hall
(My work: Engraving, painting and installing)

 Specialty Corian departmental directory sign for the Department of Music
Inserts made of acrylic and engraved painted plastic
(My work: Engraving, making inserts)

 Instal of specialty Corian departmental directory sign for the Department of Music
(My work: helping instal)

 Specialty glass donation plaque for the Ferguson Center for the Arts
Signs were engraved, weeded (result in this picture), sand blasted and painted before installation
(My work: helping weed letters)

Specialty Corian Office of Admission sign for the David Student Union
Made of three oval pieces of Corian glued together
(My work: Painting, sanding and helping glue pieces together)

The Christopher Newport University Sign Shop offers a wide variety of sign types for the university buildings. While working, the majority of my work involved engraving, outfitting and installing many signs and inserts throughout the campus. 

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