Saturday, August 18, 2012

Christopher Newport University Sign Shop

 Engraving typical ADA Door Sign
Made out of Dupont Corian

 Engraving my diploma from Virginia Tech in black marble

Finished product of black marble college diploma 

Typical ADA Door sign
(My work: Engraving, some painting and outfitting)

Speciality directional sign for Warwick River residence hall
Logo was disublimated into Corian
(My work: Painting and helping transport signs to and from the disublimation machine)

Direcional sign after instal on 4th floor 
(My work: Installing signs)

Speciality FDC Corian sign for Warwick River residence hall 
(My work: Engraving, painting and helping instal)

Specialty FDC and PIV Corian sign for Warwick River residence hall
(My work: Engraving, painting and helping instal)

 Specialty FDC Corian sign for Hiden-Hussey Commons dining hall
(My work: Engraving, painting and installing)

 Specialty Corian departmental directory sign for the Department of Music
Inserts made of acrylic and engraved painted plastic
(My work: Engraving, making inserts)

 Instal of specialty Corian departmental directory sign for the Department of Music
(My work: helping instal)

 Specialty glass donation plaque for the Ferguson Center for the Arts
Signs were engraved, weeded (result in this picture), sand blasted and painted before installation
(My work: helping weed letters)

Specialty Corian Office of Admission sign for the David Student Union
Made of three oval pieces of Corian glued together
(My work: Painting, sanding and helping glue pieces together)

The Christopher Newport University Sign Shop offers a wide variety of sign types for the university buildings. While working, the majority of my work involved engraving, outfitting and installing many signs and inserts throughout the campus. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Senior Project: Diamond Entertainment Center

Site Analysis 

Site Conceptual Diagram

Final Site Design

Elevation of Shaded Rooms

Elevation of Baseball Fountain

Perspective of the Movie Theater

Perspective of the Space Behind the Diamond

Senior Project: Redeveloping an 'Urban Island'
Richmond, Virginia

People enjoy going to sporting events not only for the event, but the experience that is created. This project addresses an issue of lack of experience around The Diamond in Richmond, Virginia. Currently, The Diamond is surrounded by industrial use and blocked off, in a way by the Interstate 64/95 overpass and the railroad near Broad Street. These factors help create an 'Urban Island' which greatly decreases the level of interest and interaction in the area. This plan/project transforms the island into a Mixed-Use Entertainment Center. Highlights of the design include the addition of rooftop bars and outfield seating into the outfield fence, 'shaded rooms' of trees next to a linear water feature, retail, restaurants, theaters and bars/pubs.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Senior Project: Transportation

Diagram of Public Transportation Around Richmond and the Diamond

Transportation Added Around Project Site

Walking Distances from Transit Hub and Entertainment Center

Senior Project: Redeveloping an 'Urban Island'
Richmond, Virginia

People enjoy going to sporting events not only for the event, but the experience that is created. This project addresses the issue of lack of experience around The Diamond in Richmond, Virginia. Currently, The Diamond is surrounded by industrial use and blocked off, in a way by the Interstate 64/95 overpass and the railroad near Broad Street. These factors help create an 'Urban Island' which greatly decreases the level of interest and interaction in the area. This plan/project transforms the island into a Mixed-Use Entertainment Center, with a Research Center for Virginia Commonwealth University and a Corporate Center. This development helps bring people into the space and increase the level of interest, while also forming a connection with nearby Virginia Commonwealth University. As part of the design, I planned on incorporating public transportation around the site to help bring more people into the space and decrease the dependance of private vehicles to move around the site.

Senior Project: Redeveloping an 'Urban Island'

Analysis and Inventory 

Conceptual Diagram

Final Masterplan

Senior Project: Redeveloping an 'Urban Island'
Richmond, Virginia

People enjoy going to sporting events not only for the event, but the experience that is created. This project addresses an issue of lack of experience around The Diamond in Richmond, Virginia. Currently, The Diamond is surrounded by industrial use and blocked off, in a way by the Interstate 64/95 overpass and the railroad near Broad Street. These factors help create an 'Urban Island' which greatly decreases the level of interest and interaction in the area. This plan/project transforms the island into a Mixed-Use Entertainment Center, with a Research Center for Virginia Commonwealth University and a Corporate Center. This development helps bring people into the space and increase the level of interest, while also forming a connection with nearby Virginia Commonwealth University.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Virginia Tech CAUS Interdisciplinary Education Abroad: Sketches

Virginia Tech CAUS Interdisciplinary Education Abroad
Sketches of Study Elements
Summer 2010

As an option for a semester abroad, the Landscape Architecture program offers a 5 week travel program through Europe during each Summer. While on the trip I traveled to 9 cities in 4 countries, looking at Western European landscapes, cities, art and culture. I was able to study design and how people interact in a space through sketching and photography.

Virginia Tech CAUS Interdisciplinary Education Abroad: Photos

Virginia Tech CAUS Interdisciplinary Education Abroad
Photos of Study Elements
Summer 2010

As an option for a semester abroad, the Landscape Architecture program offers a 5 week travel program through Europe during each Summer. While on the trip I traveled to 9 cities in 4 countries, looking at Western European landscapes, cities, art and culture. I was able to study design and how people interact in a space through sketching and photography.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Example pages from Study Abroad Pamphlet

Virginia Tech CAUS Interdisciplinary Education Abroad
Examples from Education Abroad Study Pamphlet
4th Year Fall Semester

For the 4th year Fall Semester studio, each student is required to fulfill their studio credits somewhere off campus. I chose to participate in the Landscape Architecture Department's 5 week travel program through Europe. Each student was required to put together a pamphlet illustrating their course of study throughout the trip. These are some pages that combine the pictures and sketches done everyday on the trip.

Sketches of Design Elements

Drawing of a wall

Detail of a path's edge

Detail of a plant

Drawing of a place to sit

Connection between inside and outside

Drawing of a place to sit

Sketches of Design Elements
3rd Year Spring Semester Studio

During the Spring Semester, the 3rd Year Studio class took a trip to Washington DC, with a few stops on the way, to look at elements that make up design. The assignment was a treasure hunt to find and understand a certain number or examples of elements while on the trip.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Construction Documents

Grading and Drainage Plan

Planting Plan


Construction Documents Examples
3rd year Spring Semester Studio

In the Spring Semester of my 3rd year we had a combined studio with construction documents. The goal of the class was to create a design for a gateway park for the Hurt Park neighborhood of Roanoke, Virginia. After the design was completed we had to create a set of construction documents for the project.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday Properties: Freedom Park Design Competition

Freedom Park Design Competition
Arlington, Virginia
Spring Semester Vertical Studio Competition

This was a week long design charrete competition to redesign an urban park which was formally a highway overpass. The park connects Monday Properties' office buildings together. The design was a collaborative effort by three students in the 3rd, 4th and 5th year in Landscape Architecture. 

Pleasure House Point Design Competition

Pleasure House Point
Virginia Beach, Virginia
4th year Spring Semester Studio Competition

Three competition boards designed by two 4th year Landscape Architecture students for the Pleasure House Point design competition hosted by the College of Architecture and Urban Studies. The scope of the design competition was to create a design for the vacant Pleasure House Point site that incorporated storm water management principles and a community educational center teaching about the growth and development of the Chesapeake Bay.